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Created 28-Sep-12
Modified 25-Mar-24
Visitors 3571
105 photos
All photos taken handheld as RAW files with Sigma DP2 Merrill p&s camera equipped with (non-interchangeable) 30mm f2.8 aspherical lens. RAW files converted to 16-bit TIFFs in Sigma Photo Pro, then developed in Lightroom 4.2.

As latter-day digital cameras go, the Sigma DP2M is highly problematical (and the Sigma software is too); however, the 46mp APS-C Foveon sensor and dedicated Sigma lens are so incredibly good that it is worth putting up with the ridiculously long write-times, the ridiculously short battery life, the constant software crashes (in SPP ), etc.. To put this plainly, I haven't seen resolution and color like this outside of a 4x5 camera. (Please note that no sharpening has been applied to these images in SPP or Lightroom.)

While the DP2M is much better at base ISOs (100 through 400), it appears to be acceptably good up to and including ISO 1250 (although you will have to use noise reduction at higher ISOs and you won't get the same detail and color as you do at base ISOs).

200% crop (2:1) of #5!

200% crop (2:1) of #5!

200% crop (2:1) of #10!

200% crop (2:1) of #10!

200% crop (2:1) of #12!

200% crop (2:1) of #12!

200% crop (2:1) of #15!

200% crop (2:1) of #15!